9 Jul 2019

How to develop child's emotional skills?

Since the time of birth children begin developing a sense of self and the world around. As parents bond with them strengthens they learn to trust them and feel secure in their world. This marks a development stage for future when parents help them develop socially and emotionally. By interacting with others children are able to form a secure relationship that leads to social development. Emotional development is regulating and expressing emotions. It involves the way one feels about themselves, others and the world.
A progressive social and emotional development is important that influences a child’s self-confidence, empathy, the ability to develop meaningful and lasting relationships, a sense of importance and value to those around him/her. Parents and caregivers play a major role in social and emotional development because they form the most reliable bond with the child over which he/she looks up to.
A person’s life experiences, genetic make-up and temperament can affect their social-emotional development. As your child’s first role model, parents should send a positive message to them and try being supportive by following the below written points:
·         Love your child and show your affection by hugging, cuddling, listening and talking quite often.
·         Encourage your child to try new things to make them aware of their capabilities. Let your child know you are pleased with their accomplishments.
·         Give your child opportunities to play with other children of their age. Help them explore their world and interact with other people. Teach them to develop kind and generous behaviors when interacting with other adults and children.
·         Show your feelings. Let your child see when you are happy or sad. This helps them to develop empathy for others.
·         Establish daily routines. This helps them feel confident and secure. Create routines that are predictable but flexible. This is how they learn to do things in an organized way.
·         Acknowledge your child’s feelings. Help them talk about what and how they feel about a situation. Comfort your child when they are upset. Talk in a child friendly manner by holding them and speaking softly and calmly.
Deliver positive social-emotional opportunities for your child so that they feel optimistic about themselves and can develop confidence. This is how your child will form secure relationships with others and ultimately will be able to focus, learn and grow in future.

CHILDLINE is a 24-hour emergency outreach service for children in need of care and protection in India. Any child/concerned adult can dial 1098 to access this service. CHILDLINE has been provided support to the emotionally disturbed children from various cities/districts. During the year 2018-19, a total of 47,642 cases of emotional support & guidance were intervened by CHILDLINE forming 16% of total cases assisted.

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