26 Oct 2015

"CHILDLINE Calling... is India Listening?” ChildNET Vol.8

"CHILDLINE Calling¼ is India Listening?” presents an analysis of ChildNET data for the period January 2012 to December 2013. This publication is based on the analysis of calls captured by ChildNET for the period January 2012 - December 2013. The total number of intervention cases reported by ChildNET were 73,121 for 2012 and 1,08,379 for 2013, CHILDLINE nationally has received a total of 39,04,285 calls in January 2012 - December 2012 and 38,83,722 calls in January 2013 – December 2013, including 2,11,950 information calls in 2012 and 2,12,457 information calls in 2013, which consists of caller's seeking information about CHILDLINE and services for children such as adoption services, vocational training courses, boarding homes, child guidance clinic's and this information is passed on to callers over the telephone.

CHILDLINE received 5, 64,107 calls in 2012 and 5,59,074 calls in 2013 classified as silent calls. These are calls where the caller has chosen not to speak. The CHILDLINE Team member plays an active role in providing information about the service as well as assuring and encouraging the caller to speak whenever she/he feels comfortable. Similarly in the past few years, the numbers of blank calls have gone up due to the technical connectivity problems.

CHILDLINE has received 55,305 calls for follow-up of cases in 2012 and 79113 in 2013.

Profile of the child assisted
The data highlights that CHILDLINE reaches out to
·         Maximum number of children in the age group of 11-15 years (44%)
·         Higher number of boys (62%) than girls (38%)

Profile of the caller
As an emergency helpline and outreach service CHILDLINE receives calls from various types of callers. The data highlights that 12% of calls are made by children either for themselves or to refer about a friend, 20% of the calls come from CHILDLINE member, 25% from concerned adults, 16% from family members, 17% allied system, and 4% from NGO personnel.

Source of Calls
Of the total intervention cases, 60% were received as calls on 1098 in both the years. Another 30% were received by CHILDLINE teams during Outreach activity in 2012 and 29% in 2013. Of all calls that came to 1098 on phone for direct intervention, only 0.85% came from PCOs in 2012 and in 2013 it has gone further down to 0.53%, 16% through landlines in 2012 and 11% in 2013 (including landlines of private telecom service providers) and a significant 52% in 2012 and 58% in 2013 came from mobile phones. In 2012, 13% of mobile callers are children whereas in 2013 it has gone down to 8%. Of phone calls, 44% came from residential areas in 2012 and 36% in 2013, 8% from Railway stations/ property in 2012 and 6% in 2013 and 12% from streets/pavements in 2012 and 23% in 2013 and 12% from police station in 2012 and 13% in 2013.

Intervention Cases 

The Intervention involves reaching out to children and providing the emergency assistance and linking children to services available for long-term care. Highlights of data presented in this publication are:

·         Emotional Support & Guidance is the largest category of interventions provided in both the years with 32.28% in 2012 and 25.39% in 2013. 

·         Medical interventions were provided in 11.56% of cases in 2012 and 12.22% in 2013. 

·         Shelter and Protection from abuse related interventions accounted for 16.31% in 2012 and 11.36% in 2013 and 11.09% in 2012 and 19.72% in 2013 respectively.
The total number of cases in 2013 has increased by 48% compare to 2012. Major increase has been seen in the cases of Protection from abuse and missing which have gone up by 196% and 164% respectively compare to 2012 and share of these cases to total intervention of 2013 has also increase by around 8% and 7% respectively.

"CHILDLINE Calling¼ is India Listening?” publication aims to showcase the nature of calls, the nature of intervention, the profile of callers, the status of callers and the status of the CHILDLINE service in India. The data provides important feedback about the impact of the service, users of the service, the reasons for calling CHILDILNE, experiences of abuse faced by children and the nature of intervention provided by CHILDLINE. It provides the building blocks for more in-depth research and analysis on the status of children in India, particularly in the area of child protection. It is important to note that this publication analyses only the intervention related calls recorded in ChildNET.


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